Tuesday, 21 August 2012

One Mythical Man-Month Later

Good evening interwebs!

As some of you may have guessed from the title, I have just finished reading "The Mythical Man-Month" by Fred Brooks.  I can't remember exactly when I started reading it, but I think it's been about a month. For the record, while I generally don't read things very fast, this only took a month because it was read almost exclusively while on the bus.

I must say, I hope that Mr. Brooks has come to appreciate the humor to be found in reading the book today.  The fact that it's first listed copyright is in 1972 would make it 40 years old and would make the images of prehistoric creatures on its cover terribly ironic. There is an underlying hilarity in the juxtaposition of the books wisdom, which is just as applicable today as it was 40 years ago, and it's technical land marks, which come from a time long ago when fortran was advanced and programming in assembly was common practice; when computers needed operators, scheduled machine time, and occasionally lubrication; and when a text editor was a business luxury in the same vein as an in office pool.  To give you an idea of what I'm talking about, frequent explanations of the complexity of programming systems made reference to overlays.  I asked around and no one knew what they were off hand.  When we looked it up, it was pretty close to what I had been thinking:  overlays were basically virtual memory for storing the executable code.  Not the data, the code itself.  Today, the entire program usually just sits on one end of the stack.  This is back when ram was measured in kilobytes.  KILOBYTES!!!!

Anyway, I said briefly that the books wisdom transcends it's technological references (though not in those exact words), and it does.  Having read it, I am forced to look at my own work, both professional and academic, in terms of the surgical team and the architect, the implementation and the design.  Looking at stratagem this way is, admittedly, a bit weird, since the dev team consists entirely of me, myself and I (the big three).  All at once I am forced to play the roles of manager, architect, surgeon, toolsmith, language lawyer, and secretary.  On the upside, interteam communication is almost detrimentally easy.  For the most part, I've stuck to playing the architect, at least until I have a clearer specification done, but in time I will be switching hats.

I heartily recommend this book to anyone who will be working in a group software project, or even around one (psst that means ALL my fellow gamedev people).  Brooks' style makes for an excellent read, and while a lot of the technical references were a bit garbled due to age, I never had to struggle to understand the point.  It's easy to see why this book is one of the holy scriptures of software engineering.

I might talk a bit more about this in the future, but I really have to get to bed.

So thank you thank you readers for your reading, thank you Colton for lending me the book, and a big thank you to Mr. Brooks.

Oh and thank you to my commenters, whom I hope will someday number more than one.


Monday, 20 August 2012


Well interwebs, it's official!

No, I haven't got any demonstrable software for stratagem yet.  This post is completely unrelated.  No today, I instead cave to vast amounts of peer pressure (and industry pressure) and bring my old windows machine, henceforth to be referred to as, "the brick," back into service and learn flash.

Two things have compelled me to do this.

Firstly, I am always intent on keeping up with my fellow gamedevs, and there has been a collective realization that we all need flash in our respective tool boxes.  Not wanting to fall behind, I have have made it the top of my temporary priority list.

Secondly, orca jam is coming up this weekend.  As my good buddy Colton Philips pointed out, a serious game jam is a great opportunity to learn a new tool.  I have a simple twist on a platformer in mind and I want to learn flash quickly enough to implement it at the jam.

While I'd like to do this from the ground up and really understand flash, I don't have all the time in the world, so I'm taking a bit of a shortcut for this weekend.  Flashpunk is a collection of libraries specifically for game creation that also has a good tutorial.  This seems to be a good temporary stand in for a detailed understanding of the underlying features, at least for this first run.  

And this brings me back to the original point of this post.  As I have been reminded every time I have looked at flash in the past, Flashdevelop is the editor of choice, and its installation is step 1 of Flashpunk's tutorials.  However, there is no Mac version.  And this my lovely readers is why I have the task of dusting off the brick and reacquainting myself with the burden of carrying it around (I think the air has spoiled me a bit in that regard).

I'm not a mac fanboy by any stretch of the imagination, and a windows partition was always planned in to my original decision to buy a mac in the first place.  On paper, I could have the best of both worlds:  Mac for sleek, fast running professional things, and Windows for fun times and anything I couldn't get a mac version of.  However, I underestimated my memory needs, and windows 7 is unreasonably large, leaving me caught with two equally unattractive options.  Go through the painstaking process of installing windows xp on my mac and accept that the compatibility will only extend to old software created before about 2011, or fork ove the cash necessary to upgrade my hard drive.  Money is a bit tight right now, but I don't want to go backwards, so I have resolved to take the second option as soon as it becomes viable.

Until then, I'll just have to make do with the brick and dream of the day when I will at last be able to play dragon age origins.  Until then, NO SPOILERS!

Anyway this rant has sufficiently distracted my while my laundry runs and flash develop installs itself, So I must be getting back to work.

Before I go, I should mention that I have started a bare bones stratagem project in eclipse and will be tending to it as time allows, but it's all scaffolding with nothing operational just yet.  Big things take a while to get moving.  That's just physics.


Sunday, 12 August 2012

Generation 2 Results

Hello again interwebs.

I'm a little tired but I wanted to do this while it was still fresh in my head.

The cards were largely a success and resulted in fewer invalid orders and less confusion, however the internal notation was still confusing and the slot arrangement created confusion about separation.  The lower ease of use on the cards also artificially slowed gameplay.  One suggestion was to replace the eight slots with 3 slots and then stack tokens inside them.

Symbolic order explanations were largely a dud, as were the token requirement lists, but these may be attributable to lack of explanation and no legend.  I'll try it again with better documentation.

The lack of the film reel does not appear to be a problem.  Players can understand the turn order as they arrange their own cards.  In general the system now has a learning time of about 4 rounds.

The increase in  the number of units (now 5 per team), the size of the board and the new order sets have made the game more playable and more interesting.  Archers are now among the more powerful units, however infantry are still under powered.  The shot saving system needs to be closely evaluated to avoid over stacking.  It might be ok with better clarification, or it may need to be nerfed.

What definitely needs to be nerfed are the base damages for the archers.  Originally I wanted archers to always be able to deal some damage, but now I think it may be wise to move both the base damages to 5 and force players to use larger bonuses to overcome armour.  Speaking of which, bonuses are much clearer with the new cards.  There has been some concern about the range of archers on a small board but I believe that the damage reduction should fix this and future versions should add more units to distract them.

The size of the board does keep coming up as a lingering problem, even with the increase to a standard chess board.  However the amount of wall has made for an interesting defence against cavalry and in general, I think it actually adds to the depth of strategy.  Also, a lot of the problems revolve around the archer's ability to hit the entire board in most cases, which will be less of a problem when archers are less powerful.

As mentioned before, infantry still seem to be a waste of space.  They're getting more useful though (I saw a knight get shredded by clipping two threat zones before it had a chance to hurt anything.  This seriously tilted the late game).  The biggest waste with infantry right now is the ready order which adds only a tiny bonus to OOPs.  Currently OOPS are always carried out after the attack of the unit, but a strong argument has been made that they would be more useful if the OOP went first.  I think this will be the key point in the new ready order.

Cavalry stopping needs to be ironed out.  Mostly its the case where the final slot is occupied that seems to be the problem.  I think in this case, it will have to count as a block, unless the target unit would be terminated, in which case it's position will be freed for the cavalry to occupy.

You may have noticed that I'm talking more about strategic implications and game phases now.  This is because these things are becoming major factors as the meta game begins to develop.  And so far, the game appears to be even deeper than I imagined.  I talked to one of the testers for almost half an hour about the costs and benefits of tactics on a small board and the ideal unit choices.  There really is that much to talk about.

The two play throughs I'm basing these observations on were very interesting, and very different from each other.  In the first, the person who seemed to be having more trouble understanding the rules during the explanation turned out to catch on faster than their opponent once the game started. In fact their opponent surrendered just 4 rounds in.  I thought it was too early to call it and took their place claiming I could turn the game around in just one round, and that I did.  It was still a great game though and it proved that experience and knowledge really do count towards a players success.

The second game showed the change in the game over time and also saw the first use of formation play.   Cavalry were useful at the start, which made them high priority targets, but toward the end of the game, archers became the dominant units as a dwindling number of targets leads to a guaranteed het with a shoot unit order.

In general reviews were good.  There's a lot of potential here.  Everyone seemed to like the game, or at least find it interesting.  Some people really liked it.  If nothing else, I'm now sure it can find a market.  Special thanks to Emily, Josh, Karen, and Wilson for playing.

Now the todo list is getting a bit clearer.  The next prototype will definitely need a finished rulebook.  I think I'll make that tomorrow's project.  I also want to add the remaining game components: group orders, terrain, and cover.  After that there's no excuse not to move to a digital prototype.

For now, there's enough information to start an implementation.  It's definitely time to start outlining the back end.  I've got a lot of work ahead on this.

But first, sleeping time.  I can rest well knowing that today was a huge success.

P.S. Please comment.  I know people are reading this from the statistics, but I have no certainty about who they are or what they think.  I'm also very lonely.  So please leave something.  All I have right now is one from Nick G about my hair.  that's just not enough for me anymore.

Okay, I'm done begging.  Goodnight!

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Generation 2 pt 2

Good morning/evening interwebs!

I thought I'd start my morning off with breakfast and blogging.   What better way is there?

So it seems the UVic games club will be meeting tonight.  This gives me a solid deadline for about 8 hours from now to have the prototype done.  It's going to be tight, but I think I can make it.

I stormed up most of the order designs last night.  They're slightly more complicated than the units were so I'm going to draw each one by hand rather than cutting them out.  It's going to take time, but last time I was cutting out each piece individually, so I have only gained speed.

I spent 4 or 5 minutes racking my brain over how to do "swing", a new infantry order.  The unit has to move then damage a set of tiles.  The figure in the order image will be doing a vertical swing, because I can draw it in 2D even though it doesn't make sense.

I've also been developing a small library of symbols to describe which units can carry out an order, the effect of the order, and the function of the arguments. It's going to be a moot point without the written rules, but I hope it can help people keep things straight after the first reading.

I think I'm going to drop the white backing idea. Whatever table I'm playing on will have to suffice.

Well, it's 10:30, and I'm done my cereal.  Time to get back to work.

Saturday 11:05

Ya gotta love the difference between the math of the morning and the math of the night before.  After checking my numbers again, I actually needed 156 of the 1x1 guys.  The backing for the film strip is definitely out.  Anyway, just finished tracing out all of the argument pieces, which will henceforth be known as detail tokens.  The next thing to trace out will be the order tokens.  The name change is to spare the manual and future blog posts from the cards within cards confusion.  An order card will have an order token and a number of detail tokens.  Before I create the order tokens though, I need to go back to my notebook and finish their design.

Saturday 11:30

Oh boy!  This part is going to be a bit more messy.  The detail tokens were each single pieces, but an order token consists of four sections:

  • the order image, which identifies the order and provides a conceptual image of what it does.
  • the order availability, which identifies which units can use this order.
  • the detail token list, which lists the detail tokens needed to fill out the order.
  • the order explanation, which uses a series of symbols o explain the order's functionality.
These sections are not equal, so they won't be given equal space. My plan is to make the image 2.5x2, the availability 1.5x0.5, and the token list and order explanation each 1.5x75.  Clearly this won't be nearly as simple as the grid layout used for the detail tokens.  I think my best shot is to do one pass to outline the whole tokens, then a second pass to outline the subsections.  This might take a while.

Saturday 12:20

That got it.  I have traces of 56 cards and I only need 48.  I'm a little worried that some of the side sections may be cramped, but I'm committed now.  I may choose not to outline the smaller details and just leave the pencil versions.  Of course I haven't actually done the pencil versions yet, but I have a good excuse. My pencil just ran out of lead.  For the paper prototype creator, this is like getting splashed by a dolphin.  It's a good thing.  Between the patterns on the paper and my lack of lead, I'm getting that swelling "you're actually accomplishing something" feeling that I love so much.  Also getting that "I'm hungry" feeling so I think I'm going to make a quick snack run.

Saturday 1:30

I have finalized the design for all the subsections.  Now all I have to do is make 6 copies of every card. This is going to get a bit tedious, but the tension will be maintained by the fact that I have been unable to locate my backup leads. I have one pencil that still has lead, but I have no idea how much.

God is my co-pilot.

Saturday 3:05

Done tracing!  By some miracle, that lead never gave out.  As badly as I want to cut them out, I think the better move will be to take one of the spares, and use it to build the cards.  The plan is for each token slot to consist of 4 slits large enough to hold the corners of  the token in question.  This shouldn't be too hard, but finding a good way to make a slit without having any edge to come in from poses a problem.  Time to scour the house for a suitable tool.

Saturday 4:15

So after failing with a 4 slit slot, and finding that a single tab let go too easily, I found that the best system was to create 2 slits in a v which all comfortably allows tokens to be added and removed without easily falling out.  Having made all six cards, a contiguous film real is not possible due to the size of the cards.  I'm going to forgo the film strip for now and just see how order assembly goes with the card system in place.  All I have to do now is cut out the tokens, bag them, and take them to the games club to test them with a fresh audience.  I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow.

Till then, see you later.

Friday, 10 August 2012

Generation 2 pt 1

Welcome interwebs, to a fabulous experiment.

I'm about to start work on the second version of the Stratagem prototype and I'm going to try to think out lout on the blog as I go.  Admittedly this is somewhat moot as several sections of this will all be posted at the same time, but still.  I'm looking to make this a bit more dynamic or something.  With any luck a simple time stamp can keep the magic.

Everyone ready?  I'll take that silence as a yes. Here we go:

Friday 9:30 (ish)

The first step is to plan exactly what I want to do with the two pieces of construction paper I brought home from the dollar store.  I have one big black and one big white and no replacements, so this has to be right the first time.  With that I shall sit and sketch.  Brb.

Friday 10:00

After some sketching, with intermittent unrelated texting, and occasional drifting off, I have a short list of the things I need out of the paper I have.  But the purpose of these pieces is worth a bit of explanation first.  After looking at the paper prototype results, I have decided I need a way for users to assemble orders rather than conjure them out of thin air.  I also need a construct that will clearly explain the turn order so that players will understand the decisions they are making in context.  The plan is to create cards with slots for order cards, and their argument cards.  For example: a move order for an infantry unit would consist of a move card and two direction cards indicating the path which the unit must follow.

I have an extra boost to my confidence in this idea as I had a chance to play "demon tournament" again recently.  The game is major inspiration for the core mechanics of stratagem on a very small scale and seems to have a self evident UI design.  That design uses single cards that represent complete orders on their own.  For instance, a move left card will move your character one space left.  When the player is creating their orders for a round, they are shown all the cards at once, and there is a small enough number that all cards can be clearly understood.  While the basic operation of creating orders explains itself quite well, how the orders will be executed is largely unexplained.  The user selects 3 cards to fill their 3 slots.  They select the cards in order, which suggests their sequential execution, but it is not explicitly clear.  What is completely unclear is how the enemy orders fit in.  They do not show on the order creation display, leaving the user to learn at runtime that the orders alternate between them and the computer.  And that the computer goes first.  Always.

I want to do a more thorough post on my revisitation of demon tournament, but for now, I just wanted to touch on this issue.

My solution is to have an array of positions for the order cards to be placed face down until runtime.  The array will have all 6 slots for a round and the players will place their orders in the even or odd slots respectively.  The slots will be marked with the players colour before the orders are placed, so no one actually has to count.  The problem with this is that I have no way to integrate it into a medieval theme right now, so I've decided not to try. Instead, the array will be made to look like a film strip with an arrow on one side indicating the direction of flow.  Hopefully this will be a functional design metaphor.

Friday 11:00

I'm starting to realize just how much longer this takes when I keep stopping to write about it.  Oh well.  

I tracked down a tape measure and took the height and width of the papers I have.  You'll have to excuse the units.  My tape measure is American so everything is in inches.  On the bright side, I won't be converting anything, so there's really no problem with using imperial distances.

Also it seems the paper manufacturer was also using inches as my tow sheets each measure 22x28.  This gives me 616 square inches of each colour.  I need 122 1x1 pieces to handle the arguments.  That leaves me with 494 sq in to play with.  An order needs at most 7 argument slots (in the case of a cavalry charge) and I can easily accomodate a 2x4 slot set on each card. I will need 6 of each of the 8 possible order cards and going with a square card design, I think I'll aim for the order cards to be whole 2x8 pieces.  That knocks off another 384 sq in.

So now I have just 110 inches left.  That should leave just enough white paper to put a backing behind each card slot on the film reel, but the white piece will not be a single piece as I was hoping.  I'll have to settle for this though.  It's better that what I got on my first estimate anyway.

Now actually getting the pieces out of my paper will be a bit of a knapsack problem.  I think I'm going to leave that till morning.  In the mean time, I'm going to start sketching the order designs.  I doubt I'll have them finalized till tomorrow anyway, so I'm releasing this now.  I also have to sleep at some point.

Stay tuned interwebs.  I shall be back with another one of these tomorrow night.


Saturday, 4 August 2012

The Results are in pt 2

Howdy interwebs!

I have no idea how long the paper prototyping phase is going to last, so I'm going to stop making additional parts to this episode.  I have been able to learn a bit more about the game through the last two play throughs at UVic gamedev have given me a few ideas on how to simplify and improve the game and have also led to the first written changes to the rules.

Version 1 was imbalanced.  Horribly.  This isn't really a surprise as the original balance sheet was forgotten on my way out the door, so I had to throw a new one together before the first play throughs and I just kept using it.  But now that I have recovered the original stats and have some data to compare them with I've made a couple changes.  (Yay my first patch notes ever!!):

- Infantry orders have been restructured because they were enormously complicated.

- Raiders have had their HP slashed by 25% and their blade attack reduced by more than 50%.  I hope they will no longer be stupidly overpowered.

- Archers have had their attack increased and their range doubled. This does mean that they can hit the entire test board at the start, but in game maps, which will be much larger, this should be less of an issue.

- Cavalry will no longer have attacks of opportunity against each other.  OOPs are just an infantry thing for now.

- Archer's attack rules will be changed so that they all work the way "attack next" worked.

That's the gist of it.  But there's something else I discovered in the prototype:  I have accidentally created a foo strategy.  What di I just say?  Well, that might take a little explanation.

In every game  with a multiplayer component, it is easy for newcomers to be overwhelmed by the complexity of the game at first.  Often strategies will become popular with these groups which have a high ratio of power to effort/skill required.  We've all come across foo strategies:  the zerg rush, the noob tube, immediately grabbing the centre square in tic-tac-toe.  Often these strategies can be countered by an experienced opponent and will fail if the newcomer is not able to adapt, but because the strategy exists, they can latch on to it and use it as a crutch while they learn the nuances of the game.

In stratagem, at the start of each order evaluation cycle, the first order will be executed before there has been any change on the board, giving it a 100% chance to hit.  Cavalry (especially knights) can devastate a unit if they manage to hit them, often killing them in one shot.  Their range also allows them to hit most units on the board.  So on alternating rounds, each player has the chance to choose one enemy unit and easily destroy it.  Thus far, this strategy has been a bit too powerful as the raider unit was overpowered.  But with this fixed, I'm hoping that the first order cavalry snipe can become a manageable foo strategy for the time being.

Lastly, the prototype accomplished its most important goal: to find out if the game was fun.

It was.

So I'm moving ahead with development.  I need to review my planned server architecture before I start coding, but I think I'm ready to start making a basic engine prototype.

Tata for now.  I'd love to say more, but I have to go retrieve some laundry from the dryer.  Such is life.

Au revoir.