Thursday, 1 May 2014

Lambwattage 2.0

Greetings interwebs,

I've been pretty quite lately, and for that I'm sorry.

I also didn't do that thing I was going to do, and I'm sorry for that too.

What thing you ask? Pick any one you want, this blog has basically been one long string of broken promises. (Except the hair thing. It remains uncut.)

I want to promise that will change tonight, but I feel I've lost my credibility.

Nevertheless, tonight IS different. Up till now, I've been a student. My life came in 4 month blocks, each its own fresh start. Each time I swear I'm going to get more done, and each time I have failed. But tonight is different.

The last two terms have been a co-op in Vancouver. I liked the job and they liked me enough to hire me indefinitely. Today is the first time in 6 years that there is not another semester coming. Of course if you count high school and elementary school, then it's been nineteen years all together. 19 years of another fresh start just around the corner. but not tonight. From now on, some other institution is not sending me things to learn nor burning up my off hours. The learning, the teaching, the work, and the motivation will only come from me.

I recently saw "The Wind Rises," an anime about an aviation engineer as he creates the Zero fighter amongst the political turmoil of the twentieth century. He is told at one point that an engineer has 10 good years before he becomes old and useless. The count started from the day he graduated and he is told to use them well. I am also an engineer, and as of today I am no longer in any form of school. My ten years start tonight.

I want to use my ten years well too, so I'm dusting off this blog and trying to buckle down again. One last fresh start. No more mulligans.

This is Lambwattage 2.0,

I'm Michael Pattie, a software engineer and game designer,

and this day 1.