Monday 16 July 2012

Day 1

Greetings interweb!

I feel there should be some kind of introduction to this thing, but I don't want to go into too much detail as to who I am.  So here's a short rundown of my life at this moment:

I just cut my hair for the first time in over two years.  I am still experiencing a phantom ponytail.

My roommates just got hitched (to each other).  Much love to them.

I'm on a co-op making facebook games of no consequence to this blog, and I will be returning to UVic for another two years to finish my degree in Software Engineering.

But why am I starting a blog you ask.

Good question.

You see I am a middling game developer, and a small presence amongst the local gamedev seen at UVic and in trying to figure out my goals for the next year or so, I came to something of an epiphany this morning.

I have been trying to figure out when ad how I will go about learning/practising javascript, HTML5,HTML(not 5),CSS,MySQL, and the most recent addition to the herd, Ruby.  I need them all to develop games in the future, but how will I learn them now, and which should I learn first.  That is the conundrum.

Anyway this morning, the answer hit me right on the head.

The web based strategy game I have had on the brain in various forms for a couple years now (currently codenamed "Stratagem") would need all of these components to function properly, so why not just learn all of them as needed. And if Yahtzee, Notch, and my good friends at Gnar Games have taught me anything, its that every great game NEEDS a development blog.

So here we go.  More details on the game itself and much more to come.

For now, I have only one more thing left.  I mentioned that I cut my hair for the first time in ages and having done that, I feel it wasn't nearly the occasion it should have been.  I hastily got it cut on Saturday morning because I had promised it would be short for the wedding that afternoon.  So to make up for it,  and to motivate me to actually finish this game, I pledge here, tonight, to you, my readers, that my hair shall not be cut again until "Strategem" is released.  Hopefully that will be before I wind up looking like the wolfman.

Now I have to go.  My fridge is empty, and it's WAY to hot!

I'm Lambwatt, and this is Day 1.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I've ever seen you with short hair. See you on thursday :O
